
One-to-one consulting is fully effective and ensures a lifestyle change within a maximum of 8 weeks. During the consulting, clients learn once and for all how to keep healthy food habits, accompanied by a regular physical workout plan, especially set up for the student, subject to the times and training availability of each of them.
I have developed the One-to-one consulting for the purpose of professionally and completely helping people who are looking for a healthier life.
Your dream is my goal. Clients from One-to-one consulting are surprised every week by a different training exercise, that is, every week their body will have a new stimulus. That’s right, your routine will never be monotonous and you will find huge pleasure in going to the gym.
The One-to-one consulting is complete. You will receive a physical workout plan accompanied by a nutrition program, which, if followed with commitment and dedication, will lead you to achieve your goal.
My lifestyle will fascinate you!